Publicaciones de los últimos 5 años
Mellink E, Riojas-López ME, Rivera-Villanueva JA. 2018. Reconsideration of the nomadic condition of the southernmost Guachichiles based on the relationship with their environment. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 14:24 ISSN: 1746-4269
Riojas-López ME, Mellink E, Luévano J. 2018. A semiarid fruit agroecosystem as a conservation-friendly option for small mammals in an anthropized landscape in Mexico. Ecological Applications 28(2): 495-507. ISSN: 1939-5582
Mellink E, Luévano J, Riojas-López ME. 2018. Half a century of changes in waterbird populations in a semiarid wetland system. Wetlands Ecology and Management. 26 (6): 1047-1060. ISSN: 0923-4861
Riojas-López ME, Díaz-Herrera IA, Fierros-López HE., Mellink. E. 2019. The effect of adjacent habitat on native bee assemblages in a perennial lowinput agroecosystem in a semiarid anthropized landscape. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 272: 199-205. ISSN: 0167-8809.
Riojas-López ME, Mellink E, Muñoz-Padilla N. 2019. Secondary shrubby communities provide nesting habitat for birds in a semiarid agricultural landscape. Ardea 107: 19–32. doi:10.5253/arde.v107i1.a11. ISSN: 2213-1175
Riojas López ME, Mellink E, Almanzor-Rojas DH. 2019. Estado del conocimiento de los carnívoros nativos (Mammalia) en un paisaje antropizado del Altiplano Mexicano: el caso de Los Llanos de Ojuelos. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 90: 1-14; e902669. ISSN: 2007-8706
Riojas-López ME, Mellink E. 2019. Registros relevantes de aves en el sur del Altiplano Mexicano en la subprovincia fisiográfica de los Llanos de Ojuelos. Huitzil Revista Mexicana de Ornitología 20 (2): 1-15. ISSN: 1870-7459.
Rivera Villanueva JA, Riojas-López ME, Mellink E. 2019. El Tunal Grande y los tunales asociados Hábitat de recolectores cazadores. Revista de El Colegio de San Luis IX (19) 151-176 ISSN: 2007-8846.
Mellink, E., Riojas-López, ME. 2020. Livestock and grassland interrelationship along five centuries of ranching the semiarid grasslands on the southern highlands of the Mexican Plateau. Elem Sci Anth, 8: 20. DOI:
Carrasco-Ortiz MA, Riojas-López ME, Mellink E. 2021. First record of collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) in the southern part of the Mexican Altiplano. Therya Notes 20: 73-78. DOI: 10.12933/therya_notes-21-38.
Riojas-López ME, Mellink E, Giraudoux P. 2022. Drivers of bird and rodent assemblage composition in rangelands of Southern Mexican Plateau. Rangeland Ecology and Management 85: 28-37.
Riojas-López ME, Mellink E. 2023. Vanishing of the mighty tunales of Central Mexico: A 5-century history of landscape change. Elementa Science of Anthropocene, 11: 1.
Riojas-López ME, Fierros-López HE, Mellink E. 2023. A silk-floss tree (Ceiba speciosa) provides an oasis for floral visitors in an otherwise hostile suburban-farmland environment. 2023. Journal of Natural History 57 (45–48): 2028–2038.
Mellink E, Riojas-López ME. 2024. Lobo, lobito, ¿estás ahí?... No; he sido extirpardo. Historia de la extirpación del lobo gris (Canis lupus) en el sur del Altiplano Mexicano. eCUCBA 11(21): 1-9.
Andrade-Sánchez J, Mellink E, Riojas-López ME, Tremor S, Vanderplank S. 2024. Site occupation and range expansion by the highly endangered, Mexican microendemic San Quintín Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys gravipes, Huey, 1925). Journal of Mammalogy 1-7